Les meilleurs Tubes - Musique

Cookie Dingler – Femme Libérée

Femme Libérée est une chanson du groupe strasbourgeois Cookie Dingler écrite en 1984 et qui a connu un très grand succès.

Femme Libérée is a song of the Strasbourg group Cookie Dingler written in 1984 and which was a great success.

Titre : Cookie Dingler - Femme Liberee
Thumbnail de la vidéo
Channel : gysmo5
Publié le : 2008-05-02
Language : Undefined
License : Not specified
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Tags: Cookie, Dingler, Femme, Liberee, Paroles, Libérée, Lyrics, Parole, Libéré, Chocolate, Song, Milk, Cake, Cookies, Mary Kay Letourneau (Teacher), Cake (band), The Band (Musical Group), School Band (Musical Group), Candy, Food, Rain, Battle, Full, Rain (2001 Film), Boss, Rain (Yui Song), Album, Concert Band (Musical Group), Screen, Christina Aguilera (Actor), Tay, Pie, Eating, New, Barry, Cheese, Chips, Sugar, Cupcake, Lyric, Full Song, Bread, Epic, Muffins, Bands, Pizza, Showdown, Chocolate Rain
Vues : 49.3 million
Passioné(e)s : 104703
Dislikes : 0
Favorites : 0
Comments : 3378

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