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Billy Joel – Pressure

Pressure est une chanson synthétisée de 1982 par Billy Joel sur la pression de créer et la pression d’être un fournisseur. La chanson était un single de l’album The Nylon Curtain.

Pressure is a synthesizer-driven song from 1982 by Billy Joel about the pressure of creating and the pressure of being a provider. The song was a single from the album The Nylon Curtain.

Titre : Billy Joel - Pressure (Official Video)
Thumbnail de la vidéo
Channel : billyjoelVEVO
Publié le : 2009-10-03
Language : Undefined
License : Not specified
No channel found for the video.
Tags: Pressure, Billy joel songs, Billy joel music video, Music, Billy joel, The nylon curtain, Pressure official music video, Billy joel piano, Billy joel the nylon curtain, Official music video, Billy joel official music video, Billy joel pressure, Pressure billy joel, Under pressure, プレッシャー, ビリージョエル プレッシャー, ビリージョエル, Pressure song, Billy joel under pressure, プレッシャー ビリージョエル, Pressure billy joel lyrics, Presure, The boys, The boys season, The
Vues : 11.5 million
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