Les meilleurs Tubes - Musique

Stevie Wonder – I Just Called To Say I Love You

I Just Called to Say I Love You est une chanson américaine de 1984 composée, écrite et interprétée par Stevie Wonder, extraite de la bande originale du film La Fille en rouge.

I Just Called to Say I Love You is an American song from 1984 composed, written and performed by Stevie Wonder, taken from the soundtrack of the movie The Girl in red.

Titre : Stevie Wonder I Just Called To Say I Love You
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Channel : no
Publié le : 2009-05-16
Language : Undefined
License : Not specified
No channel found for the video.
Tags: Just, Called, To, Say, Love, You, With, Lyrics
Vues : 156.7 million
Passioné(e)s : 1002897
Dislikes : 0
Favorites : 0
Comments : 29457

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