Les meilleurs Tubes - Musique

Bros – When Will I Be Famous ?

  • ID : 1396
  • 1987
  • Royaume-Uni
  • Pop
  •  72
  • 851
  • en
  • 783 ème
  • N/A

When Will I Be Famous? est une chanson de boys band Britannique Bros, sorti en single le 16 Novembre 1987 et plus tard, apparaissant sur ​​leur album push 1988. Lyrically, le protagoniste est soit un agent/scout de talent ou un ami proche d’une étoile montante.

When Will I Be Famous? is a song by British boy band Bros, released as a single on 16 November 1987 and later appearing on their 1988 album Push. Lyrically, the protagonist is either an agent/talent scout or closer friend of a rising star.

Titre : Bros - When Will I Be Famous?
Thumbnail de la vidéo
Channel : BrosVEVO
Publié le : 2013-08-19
Language : Undefined
License : Not specified
No channel found for the video.
Tags: Bros, When will be famous, When will be famous mix, Bros when will be famous, Bros when will be famous live, Bros when will be famous official video, Bros when will be famous lyrics, Bros album, Bros full album, Bros full, Bros official audio, Bros full track, Bros hd, Bros hq, Lyrics, Official audio, Official video, Remix, Own you nothing, Cat among the pigeons, Drop the boy, T'pau, Johnny hates jazz, Mel kim, Climie
Vues : 9.1 million
Passioné(e)s : 46731
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Comments : 2807

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