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Bonnie Tyler – Total Eclipse of the Heart

Total Eclipse of the Heart est une chanson écrite par Jim Steinman et interprétée par Bonnie Tyler sortie en 1983. C’est le plus grand succès de la chanteuse, devançant même It’s a Heartache.

Total Eclipse of the Heart is a song written by Jim Steinman and performed by Bonnie Tyler released in 1983. This is the biggest success of the singer, even ahead It's a Heartache.

Titre : Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart (Turn Around) (Official Video)
Thumbnail de la vidéo
Channel : bonnietylerVEVO
Publié le : 2009-11-15
Language : Undefined
License : Not specified
No channel found for the video.
Tags: Bonnie Tyler Total Eclipse of the Heart, Total Eclipse of the Heart official video, Bonnie Tyler Total Eclipse of the Heart official video, Total Eclipse of the Heart, Bonnie Tyler remix, Bonnie Tyler official, Bonnie Tyler essentials, Bonnie Tyler Total Eclipse of the Heart karaoke, Bonnie Tyler karaoke, Soundtrack, Bonnie Tyler lyrics, Bonnie Tyler full track, 80s, Lyrics, Official video, Netflix, It’s heartache, Turn Around, The
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